Training, revision and partying (?!) - 14/01/2004

The Man Utd game sets us up nicely for a good run in the Premiership, but lets hope that Lee Clark doesn’t spoil it all on Monday night! Fulham play some very tidy football and they’ll be no pushover.

Whilst most players were working hard with Christmas and New Year games, I was having to revise for a sports psychology exam which I took on Tuesday. I do enjoy the degree, but have to say that the psychology section isn’t my favourite. The actual paper went ok, although probably my strongest area of psychology wasn’t covered!


I’ve now got a viva (verbal exam) coming up and that’ll also be tough. Both Windy and Lamby – the clubs fitness coaches have been great. I’ve been involved with some practical sessions for the academy and they’re both happy to discuss the theory. Windy flew through his degree and can rattle off a 30 minute presentation on sports science without any preparation. I’ve got to be careful though, with working alongside the fitness coaches I see some quite complex routines and programmes – it’s easy to recall these in the viva and understand why they are used, but if the examiners ask for a theoretical explanation, I could be struggling!!  


It was Ethan's birthday yesterday and he had a party at St. James. I don't know what's more tiring, training or spending a couple of hours at a childrens party! 

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