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Transfer movement - 05/02/2004

   Stephen Caldwell
   Nolberto Solano
   Lomano Lua Lua
   Newcastle United
   Leeds United
   St James Park

Although nothing seemed to happen in the first few weeks of

the transfer window, it all got quite exciting as the deadline

loomed. The Stevie Caldwell move to Leeds was quite

amusing. We were sitting on the team coach for the reserve

game at Liverpool. Luckily it had been delayed and as we

were waiting to get underway, we asked Stevie if he was

expecting a call. Two minutes later and as the bus

approached the Redheugh Bridge his phone rang. There

was panic on his face and the next thing he was shouting at

the driver to stop the bus!! A move to Leeds is great for him

– a big club and a starting place in the Premiership – you

can’t ask for much more when you’re playing for your future.

Another playing being loaned out is Lua, again he’s got a

great move and after years of sitting on the bench and trying

to change games with a late 10 to 15 minutes run out, he’ll

be starting for Portsmouth. It’s time for him to take his career

to the next level and now he’s got a chance.


Stevie’s brother – Gary has also left the club. He’s been

loaned to a few first division sides and now he’s at Hibs. I

certainly wouldn’t be surprised if he ends up back down in

England. He has the ability and the temperament to be



Nobby to Villa was the big transfer, and when he didn’t turn

up to training we thought he might be off somewhere. He’s a

class player and I’m sure the Premiership stats over the last

few years speak for themselves. He’s up there with the likes

of Ryan Giggs when it comes to assists and I think the

reaction of the fans speaks for itself.  Villa have got an

excellent footballer for a snip! Although the rest of the lads

were surprised that he went, perhaps the greatest surprise

is that no one’s come in to replace him – virtually the whole

squad were unanimous with that one!


Lastly I can’t let the Carl Cort transfer go by without making

a comment about the lad. The gaffer had a go at the press

about the way Corty had been portrayed – and I’m right

behind him on that one! He's an excellent footballer and

having worked with him in training, it’s obvious that we never

saw the best of him at St. James Park. Wolves, if he can

stay fit, have got a tremendous player. He must be the

unluckiest pro ever!! He needed this move as his confidence

was absolutely shot. I spoke to him before his Wolves debut

and he was saying that it’s nearly been two years since he

started a league game. It’ll take time for his fitness and

match sharpness to return. But when it does, a lot of critics

may be forced to eat their words. He trained hard, he had an

excellent attitude, but when you have such bad luck, he was

never going to get the chance to impress.


So good luck to all the lads that have left. They’ll all be



Five out and one in, not that Michael Bridges arrival was that

much of a surprise! It’s an excellent move for him and just

like Carl Cort, the fresh start may be what he needs to get

back his sharpness. He’s a Geordie coming home and that

means something – even if it doesn’t work out for us all!! 


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