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It’s been a good week - 20/12/2002

It’s been a good week
Nash and a few of the lads - let's hope he makes it back
   Lee Clark
   Roy Keane
   Manchester United

I’ve enjoyed this week, we had the staff party on Monday night, won at Old Trafford last night, and I’m in the squad for the game tomorrow.

I’m not due to take an active role in the Fulham game, after playing for the full 90 minutes last night I’ll only be drafted into the team if there’s an injury. It’s going to be a good game, they’re a team of footballers who like to play the ball around. I don’t think their season has really gone to plan, and injuries have, and are taking their toll. I’ve just heard that Nash (Lee Clark) has apparently picked up a calf strain. It’s such a shame as I know he’s desperate to play at St. James Park – something he hasn’t done since he left us in 1997! Inamoto is also out, so he had a very good chance of taking part. He might not even get the chance to see the game, Fulham could ban him from travelling – it depends on the type and degree of injury as they won’t want him to aggravate it. He's a good lad and I'm hoping that the injury's not too bad, if he does get to the game, I'll make a point of seeing him in the player's lounge.

There were 2000 people in Old Trafford last night, and with Roy Keane’s return it made for an interesting game. They usually play their reserve games at Altrincham, but with the frost meaning the pitch was unplayable, I think they switched it to Old Trafford in order to give Keane a run out. We put out as young side, and there was certainly a bit more excitement and anticipation when we set off for Manchester. I think one of the lads had bought the Roy Keane DVD, so some of them were watching that on the way down. It must have had the right effect, as I’m sure they played with bit more spring in their step, there was even an extra yard in the warm up! As for Roy Keane, he played well within himself. It was all about 90 minutes under his belt, although you could tell he wasn’t happy with the result.

The Christmas Party was excellent, it was the usual fancy dress and the lads went to town - in more ways than one! There were some great outfits, all captured on the traditional ‘squad photo’ - I’ll try and get a copy put on the site. We kicked off in the afternoon with Karaoke, and then did the usual bars down by the Quayside. A great night, and we all really enjoyed it.

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